Tips to Sanitize and Disinfect Your Car | Car Sanitization & Sterilization Service
We may not be health experts, but we do care about your car and your well being. Considering the current pandemic situation, carrying proper car sanitization service is extremely important. Your vehicle if not properly cleaned or disinfected, can be a bed of pathogens like virus, bacteria etc causing infection in humans which may circulate to other humans too. It is always advisable to sanitize your hand prior /after touching the car parts like steering wheel, dashboard controls, car door handle, gear hand etc. Also we should consider the golden rule of sanitizing frequently, the most frequently contacted parts inside and outside of your car. The rule applies no matter whether it is your personal car or a rented car or public cars like taxis etc.
One of the best way to clean your car is to use alcohol as it is proved to be safe to use in cleaning the car parts though there might be some exceptions for cleaning the leather seats etc.
Some of the automobile parts that require frequent sanitization are
- Steering Wheel
- All Door Handles (Inside & Outside) including Boot Door Handle
- Frequently Used Dashboard Controls, Knobs etc
- Seat Belts
- Mirrors
- Gear Hand etc
You just don’t clean the frequently used parts of your vehicle, but disinfect it. It is extremely important to consider the material used for cleaning or disinfecting the car parts, because some cleaning agents like peroxide, bleach etc may cause harm to certain parts. So make sure you are using the safe cleaning agents to disinfect your car.
Check out the video below showing the Car Sanitization Service carried out in our auto garage which ensures the proper disinfection from the pathogens . We are using a solution mixed with alcohol and water, ensuring none of your car parts are harmed while carrying out the disinfection process.
Apologies, we have temporarily stopped undertaking car sanitization work in our garage. (Both Dubai & Abu Dhabi branches)
You can always reach us through our WhatsApp numbers of our Service Advisors, 055 1673841 / 056 1823395 / 055 167 3268 / 055 2246570 for Appointments or Booking any of your Car Repair / Car Maintenance / Car Detailing / Car Bodyshop Services.
AL NAHDHA AUTO GARAGE is ready to fight against the current pandemic COVID-19 by following the below rules in our garage,
- Maintaining Social Distance
- All our staff wear Face Masks and Hand Gloves.
- Our customers are also expected to wear the Face Masks & Hand Gloves, if not we will provide them.
- Use of Hand Sanitizers
- Communicate your needs with the Service Advisors, instead of contacting the Technicians.